Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Some Christmas Pictures & A Little Reflecting

It's hard to believe fall has come and gone.  We leave Friday for Louisville.  I'm feeling a little sad tonight.  This is our last week with my parents, tonight was our last first Wednesday supper and singing with my old church; Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas have all come and gone.  It has been a wonderful first fall with Benjamin.  I've absolutely loved living with my parents and sharing this time in Benjamin's life with them.  I'm feeling a little mean for taking him away from Ju Ju and Papa Ray!  Even Derek is feeling sad tonight, and I'm usually the emotional one!

Benjamin has changed so much since we moved to Texarkana in October.  He's sleeping through the night (sometimes), he's rolling over like crazy, he's putting everything in his mouth!  I think he's going to be a thumb-sucker.  He won't suck on a pacifier, but he'll certainly chew one up.  Sucking is reserved for fingers and bibs, which he must wear to avoid several drool-related outfit changes!  He loves his Johnny Jump Up, and smiles at everyone.  He's quite a little charmer.

Right now he's fighting sleep, but Derek is rocking him.  Derek's going to miss all the time he's had with him lately.  We're trying hard to have me stay at home.  So along with school, Derek will also be working to support us.  We're looking at it as this being a better time for seminary than when we have more than one!

I keep coming back to the fact the Christ is worth it.  That has to keep going through my mind, or I'll just go crazy!  I've been reading in John, and the words of Christ, "Let not your heart be troubled" have been so sweet to me this week.  He was speaking these words to the disciples regarding His nearing departure from them.  Christ goes with us on our departure, but these words still hold a lot of meaning and comfort for me.

Here are some pictures from Benjamin's first Christmas:

Me & D

Uncle Zach, Aunt Brooke, Papa Ray, Ju Ju, Uncle Will, Aunt Amanda, Mom & Dad

Aunt Amanda, the Baby Whisperer.  Seriously, I can't even get him to fall asleep on my shoulder!

Amanda & Will

Brooke & Zach showing off his new Toms

Cousin Shelley and Benjamin

Cousin Casey & Benjamin

Nielson, Aunt Brooke and Benjamin... he loves dogs!

Thanks for the great photos, Uncle Zach!!

1 comment:

Megan Sandoz said...

That first pic of Benjamin is absolutely precious. Frame it and get it on your new wall in Louisville, stat! :) I know how you are feeling about leaving soon. Oh, girl, I know! I remember our last Sunday at our home church.... leaving is so hard. So many changes. You are so right though, that he IS worth it. Knowing God is the ONLY thing, and following his path for you is best, even when it doesn't feel like it. Go with God, Friend! I can't wait to hear all about it! Love you.