Friday, May 23, 2008

Musings on Matthew

I've been spending time this week reviewing my year spent studying the book of Matthew. I've been in Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) for 3 1/2 years now, and I like to be able to wrap each year up in a neat little package. Of course that doesn't usually work. 

So, here are some things God has shown me in Matthew:

*Jesus does not rush around trying to save everyone in 3 years. He was orderly and purposeful.

*Jesus suffered when he was tempted. 
  -Matthew 4:1-11; Hebrews 2:18

*Jesus wants us to pray persistently and not give up.
  -Luke 18: 1-8

*God will not always grant superficial desires, but He will satisfy the deep longing of your heart for spiritual growth and discernment.

*God may answer your deepest needs for Him through suffering and trouble.

*Salvation and spiritual healing do not terminate on us. We are called to serve.
  -Matthew 8:14-17

*Jesus sends his disciples into a storm, but they come through proclaiming him the Son of God.
  -Matthew 14:22-33

*It's really cool to watch Jesus "handle" the Pharisees. 

*The wonder is not that few are chosen, but that any are.
  -Matthew 22:14

*In eating the bread and drinking the cup, we proclaim the Lord's death until He returns.
  -1 Corinthians 11:26

*Jesus is the ultimate authority, no matter what the world says is reasonable and good.

*Jesus was in authority throughout His arrest, trials, crucifixion, and death.

*Jesus died without clothes on His body that we might be clothed with garments of salvation.

*The angel doesn't roll away the stone to let Jesus out, but rather to let the women in.
  -Matthew 28:2

*"Freely you have received; freely give." -Matthew 10:8

Okay, I think I've scratched the surface.
For more information on BSF check out:

1 comment:

Brooke said...

what night of the week is the BSF class you are leading next semester?

those are great thoughts on easily we forget.