Friday, May 23, 2008

Musings on Matthew

I've been spending time this week reviewing my year spent studying the book of Matthew. I've been in Bible Study Fellowship (BSF) for 3 1/2 years now, and I like to be able to wrap each year up in a neat little package. Of course that doesn't usually work. 

So, here are some things God has shown me in Matthew:

*Jesus does not rush around trying to save everyone in 3 years. He was orderly and purposeful.

*Jesus suffered when he was tempted. 
  -Matthew 4:1-11; Hebrews 2:18

*Jesus wants us to pray persistently and not give up.
  -Luke 18: 1-8

*God will not always grant superficial desires, but He will satisfy the deep longing of your heart for spiritual growth and discernment.

*God may answer your deepest needs for Him through suffering and trouble.

*Salvation and spiritual healing do not terminate on us. We are called to serve.
  -Matthew 8:14-17

*Jesus sends his disciples into a storm, but they come through proclaiming him the Son of God.
  -Matthew 14:22-33

*It's really cool to watch Jesus "handle" the Pharisees. 

*The wonder is not that few are chosen, but that any are.
  -Matthew 22:14

*In eating the bread and drinking the cup, we proclaim the Lord's death until He returns.
  -1 Corinthians 11:26

*Jesus is the ultimate authority, no matter what the world says is reasonable and good.

*Jesus was in authority throughout His arrest, trials, crucifixion, and death.

*Jesus died without clothes on His body that we might be clothed with garments of salvation.

*The angel doesn't roll away the stone to let Jesus out, but rather to let the women in.
  -Matthew 28:2

*"Freely you have received; freely give." -Matthew 10:8

Okay, I think I've scratched the surface.
For more information on BSF check out:

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Quest for a great blog design

The scrapbooker in me just can't stand to have such a plain blog. One of my favorite blog designers is Jenny at Pink Armchair Designs. Link to her page to see some of her stuff. Pick me for the free design, Jenny!

The Beginning

So, I'm getting into the whole blog thing. This is my first official post. It's a little weird because I'm trying to think less that the world revolves around me. I'm realizing more and more that's it's all about Jesus. So, we'll see where this all goes.